Image of Me, with trees in the background
Kyle Wilson

Application & Web Developer

About PCAP/Snort Output Parser

    Given a file ,which we had to add our own custom snort rules, would read a PCAP file, which was provided. The snort rules file will output a text file containing what IP addresses are identified as infection, cnc, or other. I was tasked to create a program which can read this text file to filter through the benign, malicious, and just regular internet traffic. This file,, reads through the text file and figures out, to a high degree of certainty, which IP addresses are probably a Bot, Benign, an Isolated Infection, involved in CNC, or other based on the flags for the IP address output from the snort rules file. This project also checks for duplicate IP addresses and will only output an IP address once if found one or more times.

View Java file

View connections.txt

View hosts.txt

View my_snort_output_scan.txt

View my_snort_output_cnc.txt