Your-Randomizer logo


Type In Your List

One Element Per Line

Random Number

Enter Min & Max Number Range

Min #:

Max #:

About The App

Have you ever had a hard time deciding what to do?
You know what you can do, but just can't
decide. Well that's about to change.
Your-Randomizer app can make all those hard
choices for you! Create custom lists for
anything, then get a random decision made for
you. Now you are probably thinking why let
a machine rule my life, I make my own destiny,
there is no fate but what we make right? Well
you are right Your-Randomizer just does
the randomization for you. You enter the
lists for YOUR needs and shuffle to see what
you get. Its been simply wrapped in a coinvent
little package.

What if you already have a list created and
you don't want to type it all in. We have you
covered there as well with the import option.
Simply create a new list, name it, then select
it. Now you have the option to import by
coping your old list and paste it straight
into the input box. After saving you can get
your random choices, but that's not all
Your-Randomizer can do.

Your-Randomizer custom lists view

More About The App

Wouldn't it be nice to have a random number
generator? Maybe dice rolls or a coin flip,
after all who caries dice, coins, or random
numbers anymore? Don't worry Your-Randomizer
has you covered. With a fully functional
random number generator, random character
generator, dice roll, and coin flipper
Your-Randomizer meets all your random needs.
If one dice isn't enough for you, Your-Randomizer
has up to four dice at your disposal. The coin
flip caries a two sided coin, heads and tails,
and will always land on one of the two,
guaranteed! The coin also wont fall out of your
hand and roll away to some conveniently hard to
reach area.

But for many I still haven't answered your most
import question you have. Well friend I can
proudly say that Your-Randomizer is ad free!
Nothing is more annoying than ads popping up and
putting a dead stop on what you are doing. Not
with Your-Randomizer, get it on the Apple App Store!
Works Great on iPad too!

Your-Randomizer view of random number, dice roll, and coin flip together

Where To Get It

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