Fish & Game Predictor

The only Fish & Game app you will need!

What's New?

IOS version 2.0.3 Improvments

Android version 1.2 Improvemnts

What is it?

      Fish & Game Predictor is a mobile application for IOS & Android which allows users to precisly record catches/hunts, view catches & hunts from all other hunters and fishermen, as well as view a prediciton where future fish/game might be. The application is designed around ease of use allowing anyone to effortlessly add a new catch or hunt with one hand. Whenever you get a new catch/hunt press the plus button on the main screen. The app will automatically determine your location, time, date, lunar phase, and retrieve your current weather. All you have to do is select what you caught/hunted, add some notes if you want, then press the add button to add your new catch or hunt to the map. If you have old catches/hunts you want to add it is simple as well. just fill out the text fields with the current time, date and weather condition and tap on the map where you made your catch/hunt. The app will automatically determine the lunar phase from the date as well as the location from the pin you placed on the map. Check out the screenshots below!

Fish & Game Predictor screenshot of initial view of app

Maps & the Prediction

      To view all catches and hunts simply go to the map section. There you can see every catch/hunt precisly mapped where they were caught/hunted. The coolest feautre of the app is the prediction section. Navigating here the app will automatically look at your time of day, season, and lunar phase making a comparison will all catches and hunts to map only those with similar conditions to yours. Check out the screenshots below!

Where to get it?